
Reports for the project to "Update the FAESP energy security indicators: 2009-2015"

The 3rd phase of the “Technical assistance to update the energy security indicators for the framework for action on energy security in the Pacific“  began in October  2013 with the aim  to:

Publication Category: 

Energy Labelling and Minimum Energy Perfomance Standards for Appliances and Lighting : Impacts in Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu

This report was prepared by George Wilkenfield and Associates Pty Ltd, Energy Policy and Planning Consultants, Sydney, Australia for the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) Program managed by SPC. This report builds on the 2011 study commissioned by SPC on the costs and benefits of introducing minimum energy performance standards and energy labeling (MEPSL).  This study covers Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Cook Islands and Kiribati all which are drafting regulations or in the case of Fiji actually begun to implement MEPSL.

Publication Category: 

Pacific Energy Regulators Study Tour and Training - Training Announcement

Training Announcement regarding the Pacific Energy Regulators Study Tour and Training held in Tonga, August 2016. 

Publication Category: 

Tonga National Energy Bill

Powerpoint presentation by Kakau Foliaki at the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG) Meeting coordinated by SPC in November 2015.

Publication Category: 

Tonga MR Tanker Port Feasibility Study

Tonga MR Tanker Port Feasibility Study. Prepared for the Ministry of Labour, Commerce & Industries of Tonga by Hale & Twomey.

Publication Category: 

Evaluation of Possible Models for Medium-Range Tanker Supply of Petrol Products to Tonga

Evaluation of Possible Models for Medium-Range Tanker Supply of Petrol Products to Tonga. Report to the Government of Tonga, June 2015.

Publication Category: 

Pacific Islands Fuel Quality and Storage Capacity 2016

This data was prepared by the Energy Programme, Economic Development Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. This data has been prepared to inform and support the work of officials of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) that regulate or monitor the price of fuel in their respective jurisdictions.

Dataset captures the fuel quality in terms of sulphur content , octane number and gas imported by the 18 PICTs and their total storage capacity.

Energy Resource Category: 

Progress Toward Sustainable Energy Global Tracking Framework 2015 (GTF 2015)

Presentation on the GTF in Bangkok on the SDG7 Energy Access Workshop in June 2016. Entry captures presentation and GTF SE4ALL data as of September 2015, downloaded from the World Bank Data Catalog Site:

Additional information on the SE4ALL data attached:

Type: Time series

Periodicity - Annual

Energy Resource Category: 
Natural Gas
1990 - 2010


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