PCREEE Mobilising Investments in Energy Efficiency Programme (PCREEE MIEEP)

The PCREEE’s EE investments is aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing industries in the Pacific region by improving and harmonizing national energy policies, regulatory frameworks and institutional capacity building for domestic, industrial, and commercial EE programme and the implementation of energy management systems.

The Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme (PALS) commenced from 2012 and completed in 2019, was able to establish minimum energy performance labelling and standards (MEPSL) for lightings, fridges, freezers and AC for various PICTs. The PCREEE will support PICTs in expanding its MEPSL to other appliances such as washing machines, tumblers, dryers, dishwashers, ovens, hot water production, motor, and supply equipment.

PCREEE will also assist PICTs in determining a significant reduction in their energy use and costs while maintaining efficient operation and services. This includes assessing the energy performance of buildings, conducting energy audit, and defining minimum energy performance standards for new and existing buildings.  

The PCREEE will collaborate with domestic and international financiers and PICTs-relevant agencies to design a pathway to mobilise financial instruments that are suitable for the private sectors and public agencies.

Due to the dependency of the PICTs on imported fossil fuel and the increasing cost-impact of this dependency, there is an urgent need for energy efficiency consumption. Additionally, the development of a robust and effective legislation, regulatory frameworks and strong institutional structures to ensure sustainability and scalability, measures to stimulate innovative market mechanism, and the promotion of energy efficient behavioural changes have so far not been given much attention and priority in the PICTs.

The PCREEE MIEEP programme aims to cover EE investments in the industrial and buildings, public sector and residential sector.

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