Raising awareness about the business and employment opportunities in sustainable energy

The non-availability of reliable and updated energy information creates a major constraint for investors and project developers in the sustainable energy sector in PICTs. Key energy country data on existing policies, laws, stakeholders, prices, generation costs, resources, investments and potential project sites is, in many cases, not available or not up to date.  The lack of quality information is perceived as a major investment risk by investors and project developers. Information on good practices or successful (or unsuccessful) projects is not readily available. Moreover, the awareness of key market enablers and the general public on the opportunities offered by RE&EE technologies and services is low.  The Centre aims at strengthening the awareness and knowledge base of local key institutions and stakeholder groups on RE&EE.

Examples for potential activities under the first operational phase:

  • Establishment of a RE&EE information management system addressing the data needs of investors and private sector in partnership with SPC. This will be done in close partnership with the Pacific Regional Data Repository for SE4ALL.
  • Design and implement at least one regional RE&EE awareness campaign targeting the residential, commercial or industrial sectors
  • Compile an inventory of relevant experiences/projects and papers/study reports/research reports and documents on best practices, skills, know-how, knowledge, technology suppliers in each PICT (disseminated through the information system)
  • Create a database of RE&EE stakeholders, including governments, training institutes, industry and NGO’s (to be disseminated through the information system)
  • Develop guidelines on energy data verification, quality and harmonisation in cooperation with the NFIs
  • Create a database of RE&EE standard investment opportunities for the region to facilitate matching available funds to real projects (particularly in alignment with the activities under investment and business promotion)
  • Produce and publish and RE&EE resource atlas and facilitate resource mapping in the PICTs (data to be disseminated through the information system)
  • Map existing sustainable energy projects including their key information (manufacturer, installer, status of operation, generated energy, etc) and disseminate information through the information system Awareness and knowledge base of key stakeholder groups on various RE&EE aspects are strengthened
  • Organize at least one major annual conference on different RE&EE aspects
  • Contribute to the production a RE&EE Industry report in cooperation with REN-21 and link the Pacific to the Asia-Pacific portal as well as the global tracking framework to the SE4ALL initiative

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