Institutional Structure

Integration of PCREEE in the Pacific energy decision-making process

PCREEE is intergated into the Pacific Community's Geoscience Energy and Maritime (GEM) Division.  It is embedded within the Georesource and Energy Programme (GEP) of GEM and operates under its Finance, Admin and M & E services. Within the GEP, it works side-by-side with the Policy & Governance, Technical Assessment and Capacity, Data and Strategy teams and projects within the programme. The Centre operates under the umbrella of the coordinating mechanisms for the Framework for Energy Security and Resilience in the Pacific (FESRIP 2020-2030). 

Governance Structure of PCREEE

In summary, the institutional structure of the Centre includes:

  • The GEM and GEP which are based in Suva, Fiji
  • the Secretariat based in Nuku’alofa, Tonga
  • the Steering Committee (incl. potential Technical Advisory Unit)
  • National Focal Institutions (NFIs) based within the PICTs
  • The Thematic Hubs (THs)

The Centre is guided by a Steering Committee (SC) which will meet at least once a year. The SC meetings are usually held back to back to the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG) meetings. The SC may decide to establish a PCREEE Technical Advisory Unit (TAU), comprising international and local technical experts. The TAU would give non-binding recommendations and decides in consensus. The centre works on the basis of a long-term business plan and annual work plans.



The institutional set-up of PCREEE reflects the principles of maximising the impact, avoiding duplication of efforts, strengthening and up-scaling of already existing local capacities. PCREEE positions itself as a regional RE&EE promotion agency rather than an implementer on micro- and grass-root levels. PCREEE develops and executes its activities through a network of Thematic Hubs (THs) and National Focal Institutions (NFIs) among all PICTs. The execution of specific assignments or services is in many cases delegated to national institutions and/or the private sector.



Under the SIDS DOCK framework, the centre works closely with the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) on common SIDS sustainable energy issues and solutions.

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