
Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEGSAP)

The Pacific Community (SPC) requested technical assistance from the Canadian Trade and Investment Facility (CTIF) to relaunch the Pacific Energy and Gender (PEG) Network whose objective is to increase women's engagement as entrepreneurs and professionals in the clean energy employment market. There are 2 components to the publication:

Gender-Based Assessment - Part 1: Energy Sector Analysis

Publication Category: 

Sustainable energy policy: Report on an advisory Mission to the Pacific Islands

In July 2001, ESCAP advised island governments and PROs, that ESCAP intended to send a mission to the Pacific Region and would entertain requests for specific technical assistance related to sustainable energy development. Requests for assistance were received from six countries, Cook Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Kiribati. The request from Vanuatu was for a technical consultancy on geothermal energy and will be fulfilled separately by a consultant contracted by ESCAP.

Tonga Joint National Action Plan on Climate change Adaptation and Disaster risk Management 2010 - 2015

Tonga like the other fifty one Small Island Developing States is highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change and disaster risks. Its susceptibility is principally due to its geographical, geological and socio-economic characteristics. Climate change and natural disasters pose serious adverse impacts on the environment, the people of Tonga and their livelihoods. Scientific findings revealed that these impacts will be exacerbated by future climate change.

Publication Category: 

Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme (PALS) Final Evaluation Final Report

The Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme (PALS), with funding and oversight from the Commonwealth of Australia, and regional management from the Pacific Community (SPC), has supported ten PICs since 2012 as they sought to enact legislation and implement Minimum Energy Performance  Standards and Labelling (MEPSL) for their highest energy-consuming appliances.

Tonga Tariff Adjustment in 2019

Following captures noted announcement on tarriff adjustments effective 1st March 2019.

The graph below shows how Tonga Power Limited (TPL) was holding its tariff since 2017 to February 2019, whilst diesel fluctuates over the same period.


Comparative Report Pacific Region Electricity Bills 2018

Sixth report of the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) on electricity bills (electricity tariff) comparisons for the Pacfic  Island Countries and Territories.

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to provide a comparison of electricity prices paid by customers in Vanuatu with customers in different small Pacific island countries across region.

Tonga Tariff adjustments in 2018

Following captures noted announcement on tarriff adjuctments in 2018



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