
Palau Energy Snapshot - 2020

The document contains Energy Snapshot for Palau in 2020

Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEGSAP)

The Pacific Community (SPC) requested technical assistance from the Canadian Trade and Investment Facility (CTIF) to relaunch the Pacific Energy and Gender (PEG) Network whose objective is to increase women's engagement as entrepreneurs and professionals in the clean energy employment market. There are 2 components to the publication:

Gender-Based Assessment - Part 1: Energy Sector Analysis

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Palau 2018 Urban Household Electrical Appliances, Lights and End-use Survey - Validated & Tabulated Results

In 2018 a household electrical appliances and lights survey were undertaken in the urban areas of Palau, i.e. Koror and Airai. The survey covered 40 urban households that have received an energy efficiency loan from the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP) and a control group of 442 urban households that have not received an energy efficiency loan from the NDBP. The control group constitutes around 11.4% of all urban households in the country (as per 2015 census results there is a total of 3884 urban households in Palau).


Comparative Report Pacific Region Electricity Bills 2018

Sixth report of the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) on electricity bills (electricity tariff) comparisons for the Pacfic  Island Countries and Territories.

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to provide a comparison of electricity prices paid by customers in Vanuatu with customers in different small Pacific island countries across region.

2018 Pacific Fuel Price Monitor

This report captures Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for 2018 based on an annual average. The review covers the Pacific Fuel prices (source from Pacific Island countries including Australia and New Zealand).

The reports captures:

  • regional retail fuel prices
  • unleaded motor gasoline prices (mogas)
  • automotive diesel oil (ADO) prices
  • kerosene prices and
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)


Training Manual: Basics, Operation and Maintenance of Stand-Alone PV Systems

Training manual developed for the SPC – COM Operation & Maintenance Training Course for stand-alone PV systems – part of the 10th EDF – NREP programme.

GSES - Micronesia

Publication Category: 

2018 Quarter 1: Pacific Fuel Price Monitor (PFPM)

This report captures the Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for the first quarter (Jan -March 2018). Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from 3MCO) and Pacific Fuel Prices on an quarterly average (source from Pacific Island countries).

The report captures:

Publication Category: 

Palau Customs Tariff Schedule HS 2012

This schedule embodies a classification of goods for import and goods for export for both tariff and statistical purposes of Palau.  For the purposes of classification of all imported goods an international system has been used, designated the Harmonized System Nomenclature (hereafter referred to as the HS) published by the World Customs Organisation in Brussels. In this Schedule, the HS is fully reproduced to the (6) digit level. 3. A split in the tariff item at the seventh and/or eighth digit level represents additions and extensions at the national level.


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