Pacific Island Populations (from last Census)

Record captures Pacific Island Population based on the last population census as well as projectiond/estimates. Estimates and projections of demographic indicators are for selected years. This spreadsheet was last updated in September 2013.  Data captured are:

  • year of the last population census
  • population count at last census
  • total land area (km2)
  • estimated number of people, number of females & males, number of people in different age groups (0-14, 14 - 24, 25 - 59 & 60+).
  • Age dependency ratio, population density, crude birth rate %, number of births, number of deaths, net migrants, annual growth rate. 
  • Urban population at last census, average household size
  • Total fertility rate, teenage fertility rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy at birth based on different reference years. 

Note: all estimates refer to de facto population, except the Cook Islands where estimates refer to resident population only.

a) refers to Census night defacto Population Count (excl. temporarily absent usual Tokelau residents) 

p) refers to provisional results.

Data Source: SPC PRISM   

population census Pacific region demography count land area
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