Endorsed Proposal for the PRDR SE4ALL

This proposal has been prepared for the consideration of senior officials and Minsters at the SPC-convened Energy and Transport Ministers Meeting being held in Nadi from 31 March to 4 April 2014. It has been developed by ESCAP with the assistance of Dr. Herbert Wade, an independent consultant who undertook missions to Tuvalu (21-25 January 2014), Kiribati (26 January to 2 February 2014), and Vanuatu (4 - 7 February, 2014) 1 to help determine the feasibility of the PRDR through interviews with key stakeholders in those countries.

In September 2013 in conjunction with the UN General-Assembly, 11 Pacific leaders signed a declaration to establish a Pacific Regional Data Repository (PRDR) in support of the UN Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative. It is proposed that the PRDR be established with the mandate to collect energy related data directly from primary sources as frequently as the data becomes available.

The PRDR would focus only on the collection and dissemination of primary data which would be collected directly from data sources to the extent possible (following consultations with each participating country). In this way the PRDR would complement the existing work of SPC and National Statistical Systems and would provide a service to Pacific island countries, development partners and energy suppliers.

A two-step approach to implementation of the PRDR is proposed. A trial period of five years would allow potential value of the PRDR to be demonstrated. Should the PRDR prove to be successful (based on external evaluation) within this 5 year timeframe, longer term institutional arrangements could be established. Two main options on the hosting of the PRDR in its initial phase of implementation have emerged through consultations: (a) Hosting within an existing regional organisation; or (b) Establishing a new, dedicated and ‘lean’ entity in a Pacific island country. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches as outlined in the technical proposal. Ultimately the hosting of the Repository may be determined by the best approach to ensure sustainability, including the availability of funding.

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