Solomon Islands

Progress Toward Sustainable Energy Global Tracking Framework 2015 (GTF 2015)

Presentation on the GTF in Bangkok on the SDG7 Energy Access Workshop in June 2016. Entry captures presentation and GTF SE4ALL data as of September 2015, downloaded from the World Bank Data Catalog Site:

Additional information on the SE4ALL data attached:

Type: Time series

Periodicity - Annual

Energy Resource Category: 
Natural Gas
1990 - 2010

Solomon Islands - World Small Hydropower Development Report 2013

Hydropower report for the Solomon Islands. Report published in 2013 by UNIDO and International Center on Small Hydro Power.

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Solomon Islands PEC Fund Profile

Funding support from the PECF Project for Solomon Islands is to  expand rural electrification to 2,000 new unelectrified households in eight provinces around Solomon Islands through the provision of Solar Home Systems that will involve the installation of three lights in each house and with the capacity to provide power for small electric items such as charging of mobile phones.

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Promoting Access To Renewable Energy in the Pacific Solomon Island Component

This report was preapred by Gerhard Zieroth for ADB. In the Solomon Islands electricity is supplied to less than 20% of the population. Almost all generation is based on imported diesel fuel. This report assesses the potential for developing  alternative energy sources for electricity generation, in particular small scale hydropower for the outstations of the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority.

Keywords: Solomon Islands, ADB, alternative energy sources

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SREP Investment Plan of the Government of Solomon Islands

This report was prepared by the Government of Solomon Islands. Village-level mini-grids provide a means of providing electrical energy of a quality and volume that supports income generation and opportunities in the cash-economy, that are not possible with simple household PV solar systems. There is some success in Solomon Islands over the last 20 years with local communities and Rural Electrification Service Companies (RESCOs) in developing mini-grids, most of which are based on micro-hydro technology, but with some using coconut oil biofuel and solar PV.

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Pacific Regional Energy Assessment. Volume 9. Solomon Islands: Issues and Options in the Energy Sector

This report was prepared by ESMAP Strategy and Programs Division. The objective of this assessment are to eveluate the energy position of the Solomon Islands, especially its energy resources and development options, and to suggest priority policies and actions that might be taken in the sector by the Government and external donors. The present report follows an energy assessment completed in 1983 (Report No. 4404-SOL).

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Solomon Islands National Energy Policy Framework

This report was prepared by the Government of Solomon Islands. The national energy policy framework sets out the government's policies for the planning and mangement of the energy sector over the next 10 years. Energy is an intergral part of our daily life. It is the foundation of our economy and it provides comfort and conveniences. Yet energy and its availability are often taken for granted.

Keyword: national energy policy framework, Solomon Islands

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Promoting Access to Renewable Energy in the Pacific-Draft Inception Report

The Inception report was prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).  Electricity supply in the Solomon Islands is provided to less than 20 % of the population. Almost all generation is based on imported diesel fuel. Apart from this high dependence on external supply, the country also faces challenges in the development of the energy sector, including maintaining reliability, ensuring commercial viability of the power utility SIEA and increasing access to modern energy supply.

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UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction (REP PoR) : Solomon Islands Country Assessment

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade and Kenneth Bulehite. This report is provided in support of the Asia-Pacific Regional Energy Programme for Poverty Reduction (REP-PoR). Report prepared for Winrock as part of the REP-PoR policy study on ‘Policy Study on Regional Mapping of Options to Promote Private Investments in Alternative Energy Sources for the Poor’.

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Energy and Poverty in the Pacific Island Countries: Challenges and the Way Forward

This report was prepared by the UNDP. The report highlights that access to affordable and sustainable sources of energy has strong linkages with the reduction of poverty/hardship, i.e. if poverty/hardship reduction is an objective, then the provision of energy is an essential prerequisite. In the PICs, where poverty/hardship is often viewed as the lack of access to basic services, opportunities and adequate resources, the case for energy provisioning and access is particularly strong. Provision of essential social services such as health and primary education require energy services.

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