
Support to the Energy Sector in Five ACP Pacific Islands (REP-5) Final Report

The  REP-5  programme  “Support  to  the  Energy  Sector  in  5  Pacific  Island  States”  is  a  regional initiative  being  implemented  by  the  Pacific  Islands Forum  Secretariat  (PIFS)  supported  with funding  from  the  9thEuropean  Development  Fund  (EDF9).  The  REP-5  programme  focuses  on renewable energy and demand-side energy efficiency activities. There are five countries participating in the REP-5programme. These are the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Nauru, Niue, Palau and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI).

Regional Status Report on Efficient Lighting in Pacific Island Countries and Territories

The Regional Status Report on Efficient Lighting in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories was prepared by George Wilkenfeld and Associates, Energy Policy and Planning consultants, Australia for the Pacific Efficient Lighting Strategy (PELS) Project managed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).The report covers most of the SPC PICTs and benefitted from surveys and data collected by the Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific – Phase 2 (PEEP 2) Project and the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards
(PALS) Program.

Publication Category: 

Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Project (PIREP) Reports

Series of reports on the 2005 PIREP Reports, a UNDP, GEF and  SPREP effort covering fifteen PICs.

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Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities report, June 2015:Baseline year of Study - 2012 Fiscal Year

This report is a publication of the Pacific Power Association (PPA). The report is based upon the 2012 fiscal reporting year relevant to each utility. Presents the results of the 3rd successive annual assessment of Pacific electricity utility performance since the initiative resumed in 2011. Report prepared by PPA with technical support from the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF).

Report was sourced from the PPA website - 

Publication Category: 

Pacific Utilities, 2012, Key Characteristics

Data table on Pacific Utilities key characteristics, obtained via PPA benchmarking exercise. Data is extracted from PPA 2012 report, published in 2015. Key characteristics captured here are:

Pacific Utilities, 2012, Electricity Tariff Table (PPA Benchmarking)

Electricity tariff table of Pacific Utilities, obtained through the Pacific Power Association (PPA) benchmarking exercise. Data table is extracted from the 2012 PPA Report, published in 2015. PPA Reports were downloaded from the PPA Website and is available within this portal. This dataset captures both electricity tariffs in the local currency & USD. Tariff review was carried out by PPA and some utilities were not represented in this table due to difficulty in understanding or missing information. 

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) - Nauru

The main mitigation contribution is to achieve the outcomes and targets under the National Energy Road Map (NERM), recommendations under the Second National Communications (SNC) and is conditional on receiving adequate funding and resources. To replace a substantial part of electricity generation with a large scale grid connected solar photovoltaic system (PV) with an estimated cost of 42 million US$. Concurrent to the above there needs to be put in place extensive demand-side energy management improvements with an estimated cost of 8 million US$ which will complete the PV installation.

Nauru, 2015, Household Electrical Appliances, Lights and End-use Survey Datasets

This dataset is currently set on restriction and can only be accessed via a request to the Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment (CIE).



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