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The UN policy compilation report “Accelerating SDG-7 Achievement" highlights the centres of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) as "success story" and an important contribution to acc

The Pacific Islands has to embrace the “can do it attitude”   if it is to be successful with its low emission development effort, said Mark Borg, Team Leader – Programme Management Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF).

More than 25 representatives of the sustainable energy industry in Fiji gathered at the PIDF Headquarter at Nasese, Suva on 3 May 2019 to discuss the formation of a Fiji Sustainable Energy Consortium. The joint PIDF-PCREEE event is a follow up to earlier preliminary discussions conducted by the PCREEE. 

18th May 2019, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Over the past week, I have witnessed first-hand the impacts of climate change in the Pacific Island States. They contribute very little to the global climate emergency and yet, they are the ones that are being most affected. For some of them, climate change is now an existential threat.

The risks are all too real. Entire villages are being relocated, livelihoods are being destroyed, people are getting sick from climate-related diseases, and in Tuvalu I saw an entire country fighting to preserve its very existence.

The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) was honoured to host visitors from the Tonga-China Friendship Association at Nukualofa on 15th May 2019. Led by Tonga’s former Ambassador to China, Col (Rtd) Siamelie Latu and representatives of Suntech company, the visitors were welcomed by Mr. Paea Tauaika, the Energy Planning and Policy Specialist at the PCREEE.

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VIENNA, 6 May 2019, The non-availability of reliable and updated quality information and data is a major barrier for the uptake of sustainable energy technology markets and industries in developing countries.
