
April 10, Suva – On April 9, Her Excellency Ms. Cho Shin-hee, Korean Ambassador to Fiji, launched a regional capacity building project targeting Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea at the project’s regional planning workshop at the Holiday Inn in Suva.

9 April 2019, Alofi, Niue – “Global leadership on climate change demands urgent and ambitious actions and Niue remains strongly committed to play its role”, said Hon. Pokotoa Sipeli, Niue’s Minister for Infrastructure, during the opening of the Niue Energy Dialogue this morning.

More than 40 representative from across the government departments, village councils and communities, the private sector and development partners are meeting at the Millennium Hall at Alofi to look at Niue’s energy and greenhouse mitigation targets.

Energy Fiji Limited is strongly considering to approve a position for a Chief Operating Officer for EFL’s Renewable Energy Sector whose prime objective is to embark on nationwide renewable energy resources.

This was confirmed by the Chairman of Energy Fiji Limited Daksesh Patel who says this is part of their restructure in the organization that they are looking to ensure that they put a more determined focus on the renewable energy sector.

Patel also reassured that Fiji will become 100% renewable in due course.

Nuku'alofa, Tonga, March 21, 2019. A large solar plant is to be built on Tongatapu to start operating by 2020, after a Power Purchase Agreement was signed with Sunergise New Zealand Limited on March 21, in Nuku'alofa.

This is Tonga's second commercially financed public-private partnership (PPP) signed by Tonga Power Ltd (TPL).

Sunergise will finance, build and operate the 6-megawatt solar farm on Tongatapu and sell the electricity generated to Tonga Power for 25-years.

Ono-i-Lau, Lau, 18 January 2019.


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