
Port Vila, Vanuatu, February 19 2019 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Barrier Removal for Achieving the National Energy Roadmap Targets of Vanuatu (BRANTV) Project in partnership with the Department of Energy (DoE), conducted a consultation workshop on the review of the National Energy Road Map (NERM) 2016-2030 Implementation Plan (NERM-IP) on the 19th February at the Melanesian Hotel in Port Vila.

March 2nd, 2019. The people throughout the island of Tanna will be able to purchase quality solar products promoted under the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Program (VREP) from 3 – 13 March.

Department of Energy staffs and approved solar companies will be travelling with the approved solar products throughout the different regions of Tanna island to undertake awareness and sales.

UN Climate Change News 8 February, 2019 - According to the UN-aligned group International Resource Panel, the global use of materials has more than tripled since 1970 and could double again by 2050. This has major implications for climate change and climate action.

62 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions — excluding those from land use and forestry — are released during the extraction, processing and manufacturing of goods to serve society’s needs.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019. Tonga’s aim to reach 50% of renewable energy by 2020 is on track, said Tonga Power Ltd CEO, Seti Chen.

The 50% target relates to Tonga’s electricity production only, with the aim to transition the country from imported diesel fuel to environmentally friendly and renewable sources of energy under the Tonga Energy Road Map (TERM) 2010-2020. In addition, residents will enjoy some reduction in their electricity bills once the target is met.

Nuku’alofa, Tonga 08th Feb, 2019 - Ms. Tiueti Fangupo today concluded her 6 weeks Summer Internship at the PCREEE. Ms Fangupo is a final year student studying Bachelor of Engineering (Structural) at the University of Technology, Auckland, NZ.


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