
Construction now set to begin on Tina River Hydropower Project in early 2020

HONIARA, December 16, 2019 — The Government of Solomon Islands and the International Finance Corporation, IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today announced the formal completion of a landmark financing agreement for the Tina River Hydropower Project, which will see Solomon Islands move from virtual total reliance on imported diesel to majority renewable energy that will significantly cut power costs and emissions.

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The AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-ETIP) are co-organising the 2nd International Sustainable Energy Conference – ISEC 2020 “Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems” from 14 to 16 October 2020 in Graz, Aus

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The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) invites applicants to submit their project proposals by 17 January 2020
Further information is available at:

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Season's Greetings from the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC).

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In most developing regions, small hydro-power plays an important role in national renewable energy and climate mitigation scenarios. Small-hydro power can supply urban grids, industrial facilities or rural economic zones with competitive electricity services. However, despite of being a mature technology, particularly in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS), the small hydro potentials remain unexploited due to manifold key barriers and constraints.
