
Solid Waste Management in the Pacific Series (2014) collection of reports

This series outlines the status of solid waste management in ADB's Pacific member economies and recommends key points for action to address challenges related to solid waste management.

Reports available:

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Vanuatu rural electrification program (VREP) Product catalogue

the following catalogue showcases the VREP products on promotion for half price subsidies for “Plug and Play” solar home systems

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Independent Completion Report - Lighting Vanuatu

Executive Summary: Lighting Vanuatu commenced on 1 May 2010 as a two-year project. It sought to address Vanuatu’s “energy poverty” by increasing access by rural householders to handheld solar lanterns, thereby reducing household dependency on the use of kerosene for lighting.

Lighting Vanuatu aimed to deliver at least 24,000 solar lanterns through the use of a supply-side subsidy. This subsidy aimed to:

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Options for increasing the efficiency of Vanuatu’s oil and gas supply chain (2013)

Executive summary: The Government of Vanuatu (GoV) has identified addressing the cost of energy and security of supply as two of Vanuatu's development priorities. In an effort to improve both security and the cost of petroleum supply, the GoV together with the World Bank (WB), launched the Energy Road Map 2012-2022 to lay the foundation for future energy sector policy and investment. The Roadmap aims to identify the energy needs of the sector over the next 10 years, and the policy direction needed to support the required investment plan.

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Vanuatu Department of Energy Annual report 2016

This document comprises of a collection of reports submitted by responsible officers of different programs within the Department of Energy and compiled by the Director. Tese
reports are against the 2016 Business Plans as required by PSC through the Director General’s office of the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Management.

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Vanuatu Energy Demand Projections:Business As Usual Scenario

Executive summary: The Council of Ministers of Vanuatu endorsed the Vanuatu National Energy Roadmap (NERM) in 2013 as the overarching policy framework for developing Vanuatu’s energy sector. The Government of Vanuatu (GoV) undertook the first revision of the NERM between October 2015 and May 2016 to update the roadmap’s goals and targets.

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Environmental and social management framework for the vanuatu rural electrification project stage II (VREP II)

The Government of Vanuatu together with the World Bank implemented the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project Stage 2 (VREP II)  as part of scaling-up access to electricity services in rural areas through the financing of micro- and mini-grid installations. VREP II builds on the Project’sfirst stage (VREP I) which is financing “plug and play” systems for approximately 17,500 rural households, aid posts and community halls. Both VREP I and VREP II are investments under the Scaling Up Renewable Energy in Low Income Countries Program (SREP).

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Report 3: consultancy services to develop a renewable energy (RE) based off-grid electrification master plan for the remote islands of Vanuatu (2016)

the following publication is Report 3 of the consultancy services to develop a renewable energy (RE) based off-grid electrification master plan for the remote islands of Vanuatu. The report captures the Renewable Energy Resources and Prioritized Renewable Energy Projects and Technologies for the Islands of Emae, Makira, Mataso and Aneityum.

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Inception report: consultancy services to develop a renewable energy (RE) based off-grid electrification masterplan for the remote islands of Vanuatu (2016)

This inception report is a desk-based study prior to the initial visit to Vanuatu in April 2016. It is based on: i) the prior experience of the authors with issues regarding renewable energy development in remote islands of the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) including Vanuatu); ii) a review of available relevant documentation; iii) discussions with Fiji-based experts familiar with Vanuatu and renewable energy issues facing Vanuatu; and iv) email exchanges and Skype discussions with stakeholders in Vanuatu, Pacific regional agencies dealing with renewable energy and others.

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Updated Vanuatu Energy Roadmap 2016-2030

Vanuatu’s National Energy Road Map (NERM) was considered and endorsed by the Council of Ministers in 2013. The NERM is the policy framework for developing the

energy sector in Vanuatu.

The NERM identified five priorities for the energy sector: access, petroleum supply, affordability, energy security, and climate change. It set out objectives, targets and actions
to achieve these priorities and contribute to the NERM’s overall vision.

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