Report 3: consultancy services to develop a renewable energy (RE) based off-grid electrification master plan for the remote islands of Vanuatu (2016)

the following publication is Report 3 of the consultancy services to develop a renewable energy (RE) based off-grid electrification master plan for the remote islands of Vanuatu. The report captures the Renewable Energy Resources and Prioritized Renewable Energy Projects and Technologies for the Islands of Emae, Makira, Mataso and Aneityum.

This report has been prepared for the Government of Vanuatu and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH under “Consultancy Services to Develop a Renewable Energy-based Off-grid Electrification Master Plan for Remote Islands of Vanuatu along the Example of Four Islands”. It is the third of the following series of reports being prepared for this project:

1 Inception Report Completed 8 April 2016
2 Site Visits and Survey Report Completed 12 June 2016
3 Renewable Energy Resources and Prioritized Renewable
Energy Projects and Technologies for the Islands of Emae,
Makira, Mataso and Aneityum
This report
4 Preliminary Technical Design of Potential Renewable Energy
Projects for the Selected Islands
To be completed: mid-June
5 Financing Requirements & Mechanisms and Recommended
Institutional Models
To be completed: mid-June
6 Renewable Energy Electrification Master Plan Draft: by mid-June 2016
Final: by 30 June 2016

This report covers a) an assessment of renewable energy resources and applicable technologies for the islands; b) determination of viable and least cost options which
should be pursued and how they fit different business models and funding options with pros and cons; and c) an analysis of promising renewable energy options considering advantages and disadvantages, prioritized according to the guiding principles of Vanuatu’s National Energy Road Map (NERM), including access and affordability targets

Peter Johnson
Herb Wade
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