
Survey of consumer awareness and use of energy rating labels in PICs: VANUATU COUNTRY REPORT

SPC commissioned Tebbutt Research to undertake the survey of consumer awareness and use of energy rating labels in Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The survey was completed in 10 PICs during December 2016, January 2017 and February 2017:

  • Fiji,
  • Cook Islands,
  • Kiribati,
  • Niue,
  • Papua New Guinea,
  • Samoa,
  • Solomon Islands,
  • Tonga,
  • Tuvalu, and
  • Vanuatu.

This report is one of the deliverables for the project.  It details the key findings for Vanuatu.

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Survey of consumer awareness and use of energy rating labels in PICs: REGIONAL REPORT

SPC commissioned Tebbutt Research to undertake the survey of consumer awareness and use of energy rating labels in Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The survey was completed in 10 PICs during December 2016, January 2017 and February 2017:

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LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific

The study assesses the potential and economic feasibility of LPG, LNG or CNG to meet medium term energy needs in PICTs. It considers the end-use applications of power generation, process heating, maritime transport, land transport, cooking and water heating. The existing fuels considered for substitution include heavy fuel oil (HFO), diesel, gasoline, kerosene and biomass.

International aviation fuel is excluded because gas does not offer a technologically viable alternative to aviation fuel at this stage.

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European Union Pacific Technical and Vocational Education and Training on Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Adaptation Project (EU PACTVET) - Annual Report Year 2;2016

Address from the Team Leader of the European Union Pacific Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project.

Year 2 started on a positive note with the signing of the Finance Agreement between USP and SPC and the full recruitment of all project staff in August, 2015.

In addition, under the Global Project Management component, a total of 6 internships were offered over the course of year 2. The internships comprised 3-month attachments with time shared between USP and SPC.

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Reports for the project to "Update the FAESP energy security indicators: 2009-2015"

The 3rd phase of the “Technical assistance to update the energy security indicators for the framework for action on energy security in the Pacific“  began in October  2013 with the aim  to:

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Energy Labelling and Minimum Energy Perfomance Standards for Appliances and Lighting : Impacts in Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu

This report was prepared by George Wilkenfield and Associates Pty Ltd, Energy Policy and Planning Consultants, Sydney, Australia for the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) Program managed by SPC. This report builds on the 2011 study commissioned by SPC on the costs and benefits of introducing minimum energy performance standards and energy labeling (MEPSL).  This study covers Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Cook Islands and Kiribati all which are drafting regulations or in the case of Fiji actually begun to implement MEPSL.

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Pacific Energy Regulators Study Tour and Training - Training Announcement

Training Announcement regarding the Pacific Energy Regulators Study Tour and Training held in Tonga, August 2016. 

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Report on Training Course on CCDR for RTC Trainers Santo, Vanuatu

Report on Training Course on CCDR for RTC Trainers Santo, Vanuatu: September 17 - 24, 2015.

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