Republic of the Marshall Islands

Pacific Energy Regulators Study Tour and Training - Training Announcement

Training Announcement regarding the Pacific Energy Regulators Study Tour and Training held in Tonga, August 2016. 

Publication Category: 

Pacific Islands Fuel Quality and Storage Capacity 2016

This data was prepared by the Energy Programme, Economic Development Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. This data has been prepared to inform and support the work of officials of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) that regulate or monitor the price of fuel in their respective jurisdictions.

Dataset captures the fuel quality in terms of sulphur content , octane number and gas imported by the 18 PICTs and their total storage capacity.

Energy Resource Category: 

Progress Toward Sustainable Energy Global Tracking Framework 2015 (GTF 2015)

Presentation on the GTF in Bangkok on the SDG7 Energy Access Workshop in June 2016. Entry captures presentation and GTF SE4ALL data as of September 2015, downloaded from the World Bank Data Catalog Site:

Additional information on the SE4ALL data attached:

Type: Time series

Periodicity - Annual

Energy Resource Category: 
Natural Gas
1990 - 2010

United States of America Insular Areas Assessment Report: An Update of the 1982 Territorial Energy Assessment

This report was prepared by the Pacific Power Association for the U.S Department of Interior. The purpose of this document is to report on the energy consumption for seven (7) U.S.-affiliated Insular Areas. 

Publication Category: 

Energy and Poverty in the Pacific Island Countries: Challenges and the Way Forward

This report was prepared by the UNDP. The report highlights that access to affordable and sustainable sources of energy has strong linkages with the reduction of poverty/hardship, i.e. if poverty/hardship reduction is an objective, then the provision of energy is an essential prerequisite. In the PICs, where poverty/hardship is often viewed as the lack of access to basic services, opportunities and adequate resources, the case for energy provisioning and access is particularly strong. Provision of essential social services such as health and primary education require energy services.

Publication Category: 

Productive Utilization of Renewable Energy in the Tourism Sector of the Forum's Small Island States in the North

This report was prepared by Ivan Krishna, EDD, SPC. The project “Productive Utilization of Renewable Energy in the Tourism Sector of the Forum’s Small Island States in the North” or PURE SIS North Tour for short is co-funded by the Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP) from SPREP and the Pacific Islands Development Cooperation Fund (PIDCF) from PIF to promote the productive utilization of feasible renewable energy technologies in the tourism sector of the northern SIS so as to promote fossil fuel free eco-tourism and sustainable livelihoods for

Publication Category: 

Marshalls Energy Company (MEC); 2014 Power Report

This report was prepared by Marshall Energy company, Inc, (MEC). The information represents the Data collected for the production and distribution of Electricity generated by the Marshalls Energy Company, Inc, (MEC) during the Fiscal year 2014, being 1st October 2013 through 30th September 2014. The data collected comes from paper written hourly log sheets completed by the power plant operators, engineers and administration team. This has been necessary in instances where flow meters or readout meters have failed and required replacement during the data period.

Publication Category: 

RMI copra production 2015

Data captures Tobolar Copra Processing Authority copra tonnage report for the period of October 2014 to September 2015. This covers the 2015 fiscal year reporting for Tobolar.

Energy Resource Category: 

Website Links for the Republic of the Marshall Islands

  1. Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO)  - Office of the President:!other-links/c1b3i
  2. EPPSO on SPC PRISM Website:
  3. Marshalls Energy Company (MEC):


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