
Implemented by the Ministry of MEIDECC, the specific focus of the PEC Fund Project is on rural communities’ socio-economic improvement through solar power generation. H.E. Mr. Tetsuya Ishii, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Tonga also attended the event as well as other Cabinet Ministers.

The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is to celebrate its 1st Year Anniversary of establishment on Thursday 26th April.

The PCREEE is among the very few regional set up in the Kingdom. It is a collaboration between UNIDO, SPC and the Tonga Government to drive the transformation of the PICTs to economies that are driven by renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

Spread across 300,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean, 14 island nations are tackling the challenge of transitioning to low-emission energy with a sense of urgency and resolve. Though small in scale, the experiences of these countries demonstrate technical approaches and regional collaboration useful to other nations around the world.

The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) Office was privileged to have received SPC senior officials from Suva over the week. The Deputy Director Geoscience Georesources and Energy, Mr. Akuila Tawake together with Ms. Raksha Ben, Project Finance Officer at the SPC were here to attend the Fourth Annual Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC) Meeting and launch of the PGSC Strategy.

The Samoa Minimum Energy Performance Labelling and Standards (M.E.P.L.S.) concluded a two-day training on electrical appliances at the T.A.T.T.E. convention center yesterday. 

It was the final phase of a three-phase training strategy developed and agreed to by the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (P.A.L.S.) participating countries in 2015. 
