
APIA, 24 JULY 2018 - Samoa has become the first country in the Pacific to install battery energy storage systems and micro grid controller.

Tebara Transport Limited is in the process of introducing electric buses into the country and will convert some of their current buses to become electric buses.

This has been confirmed by Tebara’s Transport CEO Arvind Maharaj who says that they have already secured a bus which will be brought in for trial and they are working with the Government in getting it in to the country.

His Majesty King Tupou VI commissioned a new solar power system for Tu’akifālelei’s Hospital in Niuafo’ou last Thursday when he visited the island for its Agricultural Show. The new solar system is part of the Outer Islands Renewable Energy Project (OIREP) managed by the Department of Energy under the Ministry of MEIDECC.

Principal Energy Officer Mr. Kipola So’otanga said that the hospital was powered by a generator for only six hours every day but with the new installed solar power the island’s hospital will have electricity 24/7.

Gender has always been a major consideration in the Energy Sector of the Pacific Islands. In the 1990’s, a Pacific Energy Gender Network was coordinated through the Regional Energy Programme hosted by the then SOPAC. Due to funding constraints and staff turnover, the network has been dormant over the years. However, the importance of women and children participating as equal partners on matters and decisions in the energy sector have not been lost. Development partners and PICs have continued to take gender into account in designing and implementing energy projects in the region. 

Nuku'alofa, Tonga 26th June, 2018 - A three-day training workshop on Tonga’s Energy Efficiency Master Plan (TEEMP) began at Nuku’alofa yesterday.  In opening the workshop, Solomone Fifita, Manager of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) stated that “The  Master Plan must be realistic, practical and affordable. It must make a difference and its impacts should be measurable otherwise it will become just another document and plan. The recent UN review meeting on the SAMOA Pathway noted the slow progress on sustainable energy in the region.
