
Vanuatu, 31st Aug 2018 - The National Green Energy Fund (NGEF) has finally been launched as an independent public entity to start sourcing funds for the Vanuatu Government and meet its energy targets.

The government is targeting 100% electrification of the whole country by 2030 and 100% renewable energy.

By 2020, 25% of rural tourism businesses will be using renewable forms of electricity and 65% by 2030.

Vanuatu, 24th Mar 2018 - The biggest solar farm project anywhere in the country called Kawene Solar Farm Project, was jointly launched by the Prime Minister, Honiara-based European Union Ambassador Leonidas Tezapsidis and the General Manager of UNELCO, David Lesevre.

The farm is situated next to the thirteen giant wind turbines on the Kawene Plateau which are accessible almost anywhere in Port Vila.

APIA, 24 JULY 2018 - Samoa has become the first country in the Pacific to install battery energy storage systems and micro grid controller.

Tebara Transport Limited is in the process of introducing electric buses into the country and will convert some of their current buses to become electric buses.

This has been confirmed by Tebara’s Transport CEO Arvind Maharaj who says that they have already secured a bus which will be brought in for trial and they are working with the Government in getting it in to the country.

His Majesty King Tupou VI commissioned a new solar power system for Tu’akifālelei’s Hospital in Niuafo’ou last Thursday when he visited the island for its Agricultural Show. The new solar system is part of the Outer Islands Renewable Energy Project (OIREP) managed by the Department of Energy under the Ministry of MEIDECC.

Principal Energy Officer Mr. Kipola So’otanga said that the hospital was powered by a generator for only six hours every day but with the new installed solar power the island’s hospital will have electricity 24/7.


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