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All fifteen ECOWAS countries are recording COVID-19 cases and, sadly, mortalities. As of July 20, 2020, the region had a total of 107,716 confirmed cases and 1,710 deaths. Besides the citizen health and healthcare sector impacts, COVID-19 has also compounded other developmental challenges, leading ECOWAS member states to seek long-term solutions that will ease the effects of the pandemic on their economies.

The people on North Pentecost had many reasons to smile on the 17th of July 2020.

It was the day that marked the official launching of their solar photovoltaic-powered community building, which houses their fisheries project on their island of Pentecost. This commemorates another milestone for PENAMA province and especially the community of Abwatuntora and Angoro on North Pentecost by having a reliable source of power for their health services and livelihoods in the productive sector.

In its endeavour to unlock opportunities for its people through a target of 70% renewable energy by 2030, the Tonga government fully appreciates that it needs to build a strong base of qualified and experienced local capacity to design, install and maintain its renewable energy installations.

Twenty senior government officials gathered at the Heritage Park Hotel at Honiara last Friday 10 July and gave their support to a regional programme on electric mobility. 

A reliable and resilient electricity supply is important, even more so now to health workers during the stresses of CoViD-19. In a hospital a power cut could be life-threatening for some patients.

“If the power goes off, I may as well go home because I cannot do my job, said Dr ‘Ana ‘Akau‘ola, the Acting Superintendent and only Radiologist at Vaiola Hospital in Nuku'alofa, on July 13.
