
SAMOA: Flavia Luamanuvae Vaai, from Salelologa, Savai’i, has earned a Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy from a top Australian university, making her one of few Pacific women to enter the male-dominated field. 

Ms. Luamanuvae Vaai told the Samoa Observer she was the recipient of an Australia Award Scholarship, which allowed her to study at the University of Queensland, one of Australia's most prestigious universities. 

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The online capacity building program was developed under the umbrella of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) by the United Nations Industrial Development

Over the past two years the GN-SEC working with CIEMAT and SIDS DOCK on the development of the Online Capacity Building Programme on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It has undergone various test phases with the involvement of experts from the Caribbean, Pacific and Africa. Thanks to ECREEE, CCREEE and PCREEE for their facilitation support.

Currently, the program is available free-of-charge in English, Spanish and Portuguese under:

Prime Minister Hon. Pohiva Tu'io'onetoa received TEEMP from MEIDECC Minister Hon. Poasi Tei
