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Within the framework of the 9th Ministerial

19 October, 2021. Following the adoption of the PCREEE’s Business Plan, the PCREEE’s sustainable mobility programme was presented to a Transportation Stakeholders’ Consultation Workshop at Nukuálofa on 19 October.

Based on Tonga’s NDC (2015), the highest GHG emitting sector is the transport sector (40%) followed by the electricity sector (23%), agriculture (21%), waste (11%) and others (5%). Transport and the electricity sector which are the biggest consumers of fossil fuel in the country and therefore  account for more than a half of the country’s GHG emission.  

As the Pacific Islands prepare for COP 26 at Glasgow next month, Samoa has taken the priority for urgent and ambitious actions to cut down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to another level by translating plans into actions on the ground. Guided by its Energy Management Act (2020), its Second Nationally Determined Contribution (2NDC) and its Energy Sector Plan, the Minister of Works Transport and Infrastructure, Hon.

  • Government commits $1.3 billion over four years to support countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change
  • At least 50 percent of funding will go to the Pacific as it adapts to the impacts of climate change
  • The increase means New Zealand now meets its fair share of global climate funding
