Niue raw electricity data. Excel dataset is extracted from the Niue Energy Roadmap and the Niue 2015 FAESP Country Profile. Data sourced by SPC from the Niue Power Cooperation for the publishing of the above documents. Captured here are the following:
Dataset captures the generation & distribution key performance indicators (KPI) for 21 power utilities in the Pacific. This was sourced from the PPA 2012 Report and has been verified to be accurate and matching with those in the report. Generation & distribution indicators captured are:
Dataset captures the KPIs (Generation) for 21 power utilities in the Pacific Region in 2012. This was sourced from the PPA 2012 Report and has been verified to be accurate and matching with those in the report. Generation indicators captured are:
Load factor, Capacity factor, Availability factor
Generation labour productivity
Specific fuel oil consumption
Lube oil consumption
Forced Outage, Planned Outage, Generation O & M Costs
2005 - 2014 power generation statistics for the Fiji Islands. Data is extracted from the 2014 FEA Annual Report and figures verified for accuracy. Data captures generation statistics (excluding independent producers):
A limited wind resource assessment has been carried out in Yap and sufficiently high wind areas have been located on the main island that may allow cost effective power generation. Detailed assessments were planned for 2013 at two high-wind sites, one close to Colonia, Yap, and the other at Tonowas, in Chuuk. The resource in these areas is seasonal and, based on weather measurements, appears modest, but there may be areas of sufficient wind to support a cost-effective installation.
Data table on Pacific Utilities key characteristics, obtained via PPA benchmarking exercise. Data is extracted from PPA 2012 report, published in 2015. Key characteristics captured here are:
Data tables of generation & distribution, SAIDI & SAIFI key performance indicators (KPIs) obtained via PPA benchmarking exercise. Data is extracted from PPA 2012 report, published in 2015. Reports are also available within this portal. The dataset has been verified with the data table in the report.
Electricity tariff table of Pacific Utilities, obtained through the Pacific Power Association (PPA) benchmarking exercise. Data table is extracted from the 2012 PPA Report, published in 2015. PPA Reports were downloaded from the PPA Website and is available within this portal. This dataset captures both electricity tariffs in the local currency & USD. Tariff review was carried out by PPA and some utilities were not represented in this table due to difficulty in understanding or missing information.