The 7th meeting of the PEAG was held jointly with The Heads of Maritime and Energy meeting was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 7th to 9th December 2016. The meeting was organized and co-hosted by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, the Pacific Community (SPC), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the World Bank.
Datasets captures the petroleum imported to Samoa for the period 2009 - 2013, It highlights the quantity and value (in Tala) for fuel and LPG for the last five years.
This handbook is meant for households who are interested in lowering high costs of energy sources for cooking purposes for their families. High costs of using kerosene and gas stoves for cooking will not build family resilience to the impacts of climate change. Likewise, on the consumption of imported foods, which are increasingly expensive. Having a biogas stove for cooking at home has been proven in Tuvalu to reduce household expenses for cooking using kerosene and gas stoves by 82% and 92% respectively (Binney, 2015).
This schedule embodies a classification of goods for import and goods for export for both tariff and statistical purposes of Palau. For the purposes of classification of all imported goods an international system has been used, designated the Harmonized System Nomenclature (hereafter referred to as the HS) published by the World Customs Organisation in Brussels. In this Schedule, the HS is fully reproduced to the (6) digit level. 3. A split in the tariff item at the seventh and/or eighth digit level represents additions and extensions at the national level.
The five-year Business Plan covering the period 2018-2022 was developed to achieve the visions, objectives and developments for the major Tonga Utilities namely;