Regional Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy (SE)

The Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who are working or seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

This qualification was developed by the Pacific Regional Sustainable Energy Industry Standards Advisory Committee (ISAC) for the Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI) to EQAP.

Pacific Regional Qualifications Unit
Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP)
Address: Level 5, Vanua House, Victoria Parade, Suva.
P.O Box 2083 Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji
Phone :( +679) 337 8517

Pacific Community (SPC)
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GN-SEC learning plattform


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PCREEE manager attends ISA workshop

Manager - PCREEE Solomone F


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