
Papua New Guinea National Energy Policy 2017 - 2027

Executive Summary

Energy is the engine of economic growth. Therefore the Government recognises the need to manage the energy sector in a manner that is efficient and sustainable. Development of the country’s energy resources therefore will be coordinated in a manner that guarantees PNG attains sustainable income from energy exports while at the same time, the Goverment wants to see the unit cost of energy reduced in order to make PNG an internationally competitive country to invest in. 

Publication Category: 

Preparatory Survey Report on the project for Improvement of Domestic Shipping Services in the Federated States of Micronesia

The fleet of the domestic shipping services in the FSM, belonging to the National and State Governments, had been total six vessels at most, and had been serving as the lifeline for people in the outer islands. Around 1976 to 1978, the shipping services in the FSM were prospering with five vessels (hereinafter called Micro class vessels) procured under Japanese Grant Aid Scheme to the National and State Governments.

Publication Category: 

Nauru Energy sector overview

The aim of this report is to provide a stock take of the situations in the energy sector of Nauru and therefore inform a baseline which can be used in the development of the Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM). As such, this report containst: 

  • General country context (geography, economy, population, etc.);  
  • Energy sector landscape covering supply and demand and institutional arrangements;  
  • Experience, potential and challenges in the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency; and, 
  • Data needs for the energy road map and beyond. 
Publication Category: 

The gold Standard Manual for CDM Projects Developers Version 3; Mai 2006

 This Gold Standard Project Developer’s manual refers to The Gold Standard Project Design Document for CDM Projects (GS-PDD) and to The Gold Standard Project Design Document for SmallScale CDM Projects (GS-SSC-PDD).This manual helps developers to complete the Gold Standard project design documents for both large- and small-scale projects. It provides guidance on the information that needs to be provided for successful validation and registration under the Gold Standard.


This review report was prepared by an external consultant, Peter Johnston, with the support of the Pacifc Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) and the Pacifc Community (SPC). 

Publication Category: 

Tuvalu National Energy Situational Analysis - UPDATE

Herewith are analysed data in graphs showing the;

Energy Resource Category: 
2009- 2018

Seventh Meeting of the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG) meeting report 2016

The 7th meeting of the PEAG was held jointly with The Heads of Maritime and Energy meeting was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 7th to 9th December 2016. The meeting was organized and co-hosted by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, the Pacific Community (SPC), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the World Bank.

Publication Category: 

Fiji Island - Vehicles Newly Registered 2001 - 2018 Updated

Herewith the distribution of vehicles registerd in Fiji from 2001-2018. Registered vehicles on a yearly basis as at 31st December and quarterly basis from 2016 - 2018.

Vehicles registered are catergorised as:

- Private Cars

- Taxis

- Rental and Hire cars,

- Goods Vehicles - Light and heavy goods vehicles including vans, trucks, pick-ups, ambulances and fire engines

- Buses - Minibuses are also included

- Government vehicles

- Carriers and


Pacific Maritime Watch ISSUE 75

Bula and welcome to the Pacific Maritime Watch Issue 75 - from the Pacific Community (SPC) Oceans and Maritime Programme at Nabua, Fiji.

This is the first edition of Pacific Maritime Watch for 2019!

In this newsletter it covers

- Maritime Energy,

- Women in Maritime,

- Maritime Safety,

- Maritime Legal and

- Ocean.

Publication Category: 


GN-SEC learning plattform


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