Energy Poverty

UNDP Asia - Pacific Regional Energy Programme for Poverty Reduction (REP-POR) - Pacific Rapid Assesment and Gap Analysis. Draft Final Report

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade and Peter Johnston for UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok. The purpose of this assignment was to undertake a rapid needs assessment and gap analysis of the fifteen Pacific Island Countries that potentially can participate in the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction (REP-PoR).  Ideally, such a study would involve travel to each country to allow extensive local input and as much discussion in-country as possible.

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Pacific Perspectives on the Challenges to Energy Security and the Sustainable Use of Energy

Executive Summary:This report was prepared by Peter Johnston for UN ECONOMIC and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). This paper describes challenges and opportunities for enhancing energy security and more sustainable use of energy in the Pacific islands subregion of ESCAP.

The State of the Global Clean and Improved Cooking Sectors

Technical Report 007/15 - The State of the Global Clean and Improved Cooking Sectors.

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PRDR SE4ALL steering committee meeting minutes 3

The Meeting:

i).      Endorsed the minutes of SC 2

ii).    Noted that in response to the PRDR funding proposal and subsequent separate discussions between SPC and Tonga with the World Bank, the Bank has drafted an internal TA concept paper to identify where the Bank can best add value to the PRDR development, including assessing the best modality for channelling their funds to the PRDR.

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Pilot Report - RISE Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (A Tool for Policymakers)

Pilot Report - RISE Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (A Tool for Policymakers). RISE will provide a global reference point for countries to see how they are performing in energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency - and what policies and other instruments they may need to move toward their sustainable energy vision.

Biofuel Feasibility Study on Kiritimati Island, 2012

Biofuel Feasibility Study on Kiritimati Island, Final Draft, April 2012.  The objective of this study is to determine the available coconut resources in the Line Group and analyse the technical, economical, social, institutional and environmental feasbility of producing coconut oil (CNO) on Kiritimati Island and use it as a fuel subsitute in power  generation and transport.

Analysis shows that introduction of CNO as a diesel substitute could be an economically sound investment. It should view power generation as the main market for CNO.

This record holds 2 attachments:

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Sustainable Energy for All: Global Tracking Framework 2013

The first SE4All Global Tracking Framework identified indicators that track progress toward the SE4All objectives of universal access to modern energy, doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements and doubling the share of renewable energy consumption in the global energy mix. It draws on data from more than 180 countries, which account for more than 95 percent of the world's population. The report also documented the evolution of the indicators between 1990 and 2010 to provide a baseline for assessing progress in the next twenty years.

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SE4ALL: Progress Towards Sustainable Energy - Global Tracking Framework 2015

This is the 2nd edition of the Global Tracking Framework (GTF).  SE4ALL's first GTF was in 2013, produced by energy experts from 15 agencies under the leadership of the World Bank and the International Energy Agency (IEA). 

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