Energy Poverty

SDG7 Roadmap for Fiji

Transitioning the energy sector to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the objectives of the Paris Agreement presents a complex and difficult task for policymakers. It needs to ensure sustained economic growth as well as respond to increasing energy demand, reduce emissions, and consider and capitalize on the interlinkages between Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) and other SDGs. In this connection, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the

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The Impact of Higher Oil Prices on Low Income Countries and on the Poor

This paper was commissioned by ESMAP as part of an investigation on energy security issues from the perspective of developing countries, starting with a literature review and a concept note prepared by Ms. Dominique Lallement with research assistance from Ms. Anupa Vege.

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50 Ways to End Kerosene Lighting

This guide aims to show many different technologies that can be used to eliminate kerosene lighting from households in developing countries. 1.6 billion people in approximately 300 million households still use kerosene lighting, spending around $10-30 billion/year, or an average of about $1/week.

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Solomon Island National Development Strategy 2011 to 2020: Final Draft

The formulation of the national development strategy (NDS) is one of the key expected outputs of the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination as we strive for endurance and nation building Solomon Islands. This strategy sets out a framework for Development programmes in Solomon Islands and is intented to be a catalyst for development in the next 10 years in an effort to achieve the goals of Solomon Islands development agenda.

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Millennium Development Goals: Fiji National Report

This Report, provides the status of Fiji’s implementation as regards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).The MDG Report has been prepared in the context of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2003-2005. The compilation of the MDG Report was timely as it coincided with the Mid Term Review of Fiji’s SDP 2003-2005 whereby the MDG indicators were also assessed. The MDGs were endorsed in the SDP but were not specifically included as indicators.

Energizing the Millennium Development Goals: A Guide to Energy's Role in Reducing Poverty

In September 2000, at the United Nations Millennium Summit,world leaders agreed to a set of time-bound and measurable goals and targets for combating poverty, hunger, illiteracy, gender inequality, disease, and environmental degradation.The eight goals that were eventually agreed upon are what the development community now refers to as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Energy and gender Issues in Rural Sustainable Development

FAO is looking at ways in which increased attention to energy and gender linkages can help countries promote sustainable agricultural production and rural development, as well as work towards meeting the targets set out in the Millennium Development Goals.

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Guide on gender mainstreaming: Energy and Climate change Projects

This Guide is part of an organization-wide initiative to mainstream gender into all of UNIDO’s technical cooperation projects and programmes. Karen Cadondon, Eliana Gutiérrez-Amo and Liv Pelt Steensig are the main authors of the document.

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The European Union Energy Initiative for poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development - a partnership initiative

The EU Energy initiative is an attempt to create a focus on better access to sustainable energy services fot the more than two billion 'energy poor' of our planet. Actions will be driven by the needs and priorities of the participating developing countries. 
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