Energy and Gender

Vanuatu Department of Energy Annual report 2016

This document comprises of a collection of reports submitted by responsible officers of different programs within the Department of Energy and compiled by the Director. Tese
reports are against the 2016 Business Plans as required by PSC through the Director General’s office of the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Management.

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Kiribati Integrated Energy Roadmap (KIER): 2017–2025

The KIER is Kiribati's comprehensive energy roadmap, which takes into account renewable energy and energy efficiency potential in all sectors from 2017 to 2025. The findings of this roadmap show that power sector is a key area, where the ongoing efforts from the deployment of solar PV should be continued and complemented with and improvement of efficiency in Kiribati’s entire energy system, including electricity use, heating, cooling, and transport.

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Updated Vanuatu Energy Roadmap 2016-2030

Vanuatu’s National Energy Road Map (NERM) was considered and endorsed by the Council of Ministers in 2013. The NERM is the policy framework for developing the

energy sector in Vanuatu.

The NERM identified five priorities for the energy sector: access, petroleum supply, affordability, energy security, and climate change. It set out objectives, targets and actions
to achieve these priorities and contribute to the NERM’s overall vision.

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The inaugural meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) was held on 25th April 2017 during the Third Pacific Regional Energy and Transport Ministers’ Meeting  at the Tanoa International Dateline Hotel, Nuku’alofa, Tonga.

 Provided is the final draft  of the minutes captured from the meeting. 

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Chuuk State Energy Action Plan

The following document captures Chuuk State Energy action plan from 2011 to 2020. The referenced document was revised in February 2013 by the Chuuk State  Energy Workgroup.

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Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities report, June 2017: Baseline year of Study - 2015 Fiscal Year

This report is a publication of the Pacific Power Association (PPA). The report is based upon the 2015 fiscal reporting year relevant to each utility. Presents the results of the fourth successive annual assessment of Pacific electricity utility performance since 2011. Report prepared by PPA with technical support from the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF).

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Project Document: Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) - A SE4ALL Centre of Excellence to Promote Sustainable Energy Markets, Industries and Innovation

In line with the decisions of the Ministers of Energy of the Pacific Islands States and Territories (PICTs), the project aims to establish and implement the first operational phase of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE). The centre represents an innovative fusion of regional and international efforts and capabilities. Its design leverages a network of intra and extra regional partnerships, serving as a "hub" for knowledge and technical expertise on matters related to sustainable energy projects' implementation.

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Pacific Energiser Newsletters: Issue 1 - 24

The Pacific Energiser Newsletters captures energy stories and updates from the Pacific Region. 

The first 22 issues of the Pacific Energiser is captured in this content. The first issue was published in 2010. The 22 issues covers news and stories from 2010 to 2016.

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Reports for the project to "Update the FAESP energy security indicators: 2009-2015"

The 3rd phase of the “Technical assistance to update the energy security indicators for the framework for action on energy security in the Pacific“  began in October  2013 with the aim  to:

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GN-SEC learning plattform


PCREEE newsletter

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