Energy and Gender

Framework for Energy Security and Resilience in the Pacific: 2021 - 2030

The framework focuses on key changes that the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific partners including SPC, PPA, SPREP, USP and PIFS - agree to implement so they function as an effective regional partnership for action to adress the Energy Sector Challenges. The framework has two volumes:

i. Volume 1: concise statement of broad principles and procedures to guide the relevant CROP agencies in establishing more detailed policies, actions and goals that are

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ADB : Pacific Energy Update - 2021

The Pacific Energy Update 2021 highlights ADB's involvement with governments and partners in the Pacific region. It also serves as a knowledge bank and as a key financier, supporting Pacific countries in their shift towards clean energy while fostering partnerships to enhance resilience and inclusive growth pathways. 

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ADB : Pacific Energy Update - 2020

The Pacific Energy Update 2020 provides an overview of the work ADB involvement with governments and partners across the Pacific to advance regional goals and deliver lasting impacts. 

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ADB : Pacific Energy Update - 2019

The Pacific Energy Update 2019 provides an overview of ADB’s technical assistance (TA), grant, and lending activities in the region. It showcases the impacts and outcomes of initiatives completed in 2019, and active as of November 2019. It also describes selected activities slated for implementation in the years to come.

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Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEGSAP)

The Pacific Community (SPC) requested technical assistance from the Canadian Trade and Investment Facility (CTIF) to relaunch the Pacific Energy and Gender (PEG) Network whose objective is to increase women's engagement as entrepreneurs and professionals in the clean energy employment market. There are 2 components to the publication:

Gender-Based Assessment - Part 1: Energy Sector Analysis

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Fiji wholesale and retail fuel prices, 2022

The PDF documents captures the monthly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for 2022

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Fiji wholesale and retail fuel prices, 2021

The PDF documents captures the monthly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for 2021

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SDG7 Roadmap for Fiji

Transitioning the energy sector to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the objectives of the Paris Agreement presents a complex and difficult task for policymakers. It needs to ensure sustained economic growth as well as respond to increasing energy demand, reduce emissions, and consider and capitalize on the interlinkages between Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) and other SDGs. In this connection, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the

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Gender and Energy for Sustainable development: A Toolkit and Resource guide

In 2005 the international community will gather to examine progress on gender and development issues in the ten years following the 1995 Beijing Fourth World Conference on Women. This event brought together representives of government, civil socities, media and grass roots organizations to look at the unique roles that men and women play supporting development, economic growth and more equitable societies the world over.

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Solomon Island National Development Strategy 2011 to 2020: Final Draft

The formulation of the national development strategy (NDS) is one of the key expected outputs of the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination as we strive for endurance and nation building Solomon Islands. This strategy sets out a framework for Development programmes in Solomon Islands and is intented to be a catalyst for development in the next 10 years in an effort to achieve the goals of Solomon Islands development agenda.

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