
Guide on gender mainstreaming: Energy and Climate change Projects

This Guide is part of an organization-wide initiative to mainstream gender into all of UNIDO’s technical cooperation projects and programmes. Karen Cadondon, Eliana Gutiérrez-Amo and Liv Pelt Steensig are the main authors of the document.

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The gold Standard Manual for CDM Projects Developers Version 3; Mai 2006

 This Gold Standard Project Developer’s manual refers to The Gold Standard Project Design Document for CDM Projects (GS-PDD) and to The Gold Standard Project Design Document for SmallScale CDM Projects (GS-SSC-PDD).This manual helps developers to complete the Gold Standard project design documents for both large- and small-scale projects. It provides guidance on the information that needs to be provided for successful validation and registration under the Gold Standard.

Scaling up energy access through cross-sector partnerships

The aim of this report is to provide information and offer new perspectives in addressing the energy access challenge through cross-sector collaboration on rural mini-grids. The goal is to encourage as many actors as possible to try out this framework and to test the potential of these cross-sector partnerships at scale.

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The European Union Energy Initiative for poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development - a partnership initiative

The EU Energy initiative is an attempt to create a focus on better access to sustainable energy services fot the more than two billion 'energy poor' of our planet. Actions will be driven by the needs and priorities of the participating developing countries. 
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Sustainable Bioenergy: A Framework for Decision Makers

This paper on sustainable bioenergy was drafted collectively by UN-Energy members, which include all of the United Nations(UN) agencies, programmes, and organizations working in the area of energy, reflecting their insights and expertise. it is intended to contribute to international discussions on the strategies and policies needed to ensure economic, sustainable, and equitable development of bioenergy in the years ahead.

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Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2018

The costs for renewable energy technologies reached new lows again last year. Solar and wind power have emerged as the most affordable power source for many locations and markets, with cost reductions set to continue into the next decade.

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Yearbook of Global Climate Action 2018 - Marrakech Partnership

The urgency for all levels of government, the private sector and civil society to take immediate action to limit global warming and avoid the worst effects of climate change has been reinforced this year by the messages in the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.1 The vital role that non-Party stakeholders (cities, regions, businesses and civil society) can play in driving ambition and delivering action was recognized by the IPCC report and by the Paris Agreement.

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Chilling Prospects: Providing Sustainable Cooling for All

Cooling is one of the wonders of the moder n age. However, for hundreds of millions of people living in the hottest climates, the impact of not having access to modern cooling services is profound. Every year, millions of people die due to the absence of cooling that could help address hunger and malnutrition, preserve the efficacy of vaccines, and alleviate the worst of deadly heat waves. Cooling access can also help increase farmer incomes and lift people out of poverty by increasing the sales value of their produce when it meets the market.

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Investments in IDA Countries: Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) 2013 - 2017

This note analyzes trends in investment commitments in infrastructure projects with private sector participation (hereafter referred to as PPI investments) in countries eligible for support from the International Development Association (hereafter—called IDA countries2) during the five-year period from 2013 to 2017. The note analyzes investment commitments at the time of financial closure in energy, transport, water, and information and communication technologies (ICT) backbone projects serving the public in IDA countries.

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Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018 from World Bank Indicators

The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018 is a visual guide to the trends, challenges and measurement issues related to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The Atlas features maps and data visualizations, primarily drawn from World Development Indicators (WDI) - the World Bank’s compilation of internationally comparable statistics about global development and the quality of people’s lives.

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