

This document is prepared on the responsibility of the Chair of the Round Table on Sustainable Development at the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the OECD or of the governments of its Member countries.

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The Challenge of Higher Oil Prices - Adjusting to higher oil prices: The challenge for developing Asia

Asian Development Outlook 2005 Update - This part of the Update reviews the possible consequences and challenges presented by high oil prices for developing Asia. After a brief review of why prices are high, their impact on various economies in developing Asia is examined. Policy responses to structurally higher oil prices are then surveyed, including a brief discussion on the risks inherent in subsidizing oil products. The review ends by setting out key principles for guiding policy decisions, and offering some conclusions.

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Living with High Prices: A Policy Brief

This policy brief has been prepared by the Asian Development Bank to help the region manage the adjustment to high prices. The policy brief describes the situation internationally and in the Pacific. It looks at what regional governments and development partners can do to help lessen the problems created by high prices. It also looks at what can be done to capture the benefits that high price offer, particularly to local food producers.

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The Impact of Higher Oil Prices on Low Income Countries and on the Poor

This paper was commissioned by ESMAP as part of an investigation on energy security issues from the perspective of developing countries, starting with a literature review and a concept note prepared by Ms. Dominique Lallement with research assistance from Ms. Anupa Vege.

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50 Ways to End Kerosene Lighting

This guide aims to show many different technologies that can be used to eliminate kerosene lighting from households in developing countries. 1.6 billion people in approximately 300 million households still use kerosene lighting, spending around $10-30 billion/year, or an average of about $1/week.

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Scaling Up Demand-Side Energy Efficiency Improvements through Programmatic CDM

Improving energy efficiency (EE) is one of the most promising approaches for achieving cost-effective global greenhouse gases (GHG) reductions. However, it is severely underrepresented in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) portfolio. Just 10 percent of the emission reduction credits traded in the carbon market are from EE projects. In particular, small, dispersed, end-use EE measures—which entail significant GHG mitigation potential, along with other clear, local, and direct sustainable development benefits—have been largely bypassed by the carbon market.

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What Makes People Cook with Improved Biomass Stoves? A Comparative International Review of Stove Programs

This report summarizes a large-scale evaluation of improved-stove programs funded by the United Nations Development Programme, managed by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP), and conducted by East-West Center and ESMAP staff. ESMAP will issue a report accompanied by case studies in the near future.

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Site and Storage Conditions for Class 3.1 Flammable Liquids

This document sets out the site and storage conditions for class 3.1 flammable liquids.  These substances may also have toxic, corrosive and/or ecotoxic properties (HSNO classes 6, 8 and/or 9), but no other hazardous properties.  
The conditions set out in this document are incorporated into a group standard by reference, and form part of that group standard.  A substance must comply with the conditions in this document as part of the group standard approval.  
This document has been compiled from the following:

Publication Category: 

Wave Powered Desalination by Reverse Osmosis- A Feasibility Study

 The purpose of this thesis is to study the feasibility of wave powered desalination: what areas would be potential for wave powered desalination and how much the produced water would cost.

The wave powered desalination system examined in this thesis is called AaltoRO and essentially it encompasses of a Wave Energy Convertor (WEC) and of a Reverse Osmosis (RO) facility. The WEC pressurizes the seawater directly to a suitable pressure, which is fed via a medium pressure pipeline to the onshore RO facility where fresh water is produced.

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Scaling Up Renewable Energy in Low Income Countries

More than half of households in Honduras use cook stoves that are highly inefficient, unhealthy and unsafe, impacting the health and well-being of users and families as well as the natural environment through Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. A $2.95 million SREP program promotes sustainable business models for clean cook stove distribution supporting Honduran rural communities by providing high-efficiency cook stoves for 70,000 households. This will reduce consumption and cost of firewood for project beneficiaries by 60 percent and improve living standards.

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