American Samoa

2018 Quarter 1: Pacific Fuel Price Monitor (PFPM)

This report captures the Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for the first quarter (Jan -March 2018). Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from 3MCO) and Pacific Fuel Prices on an quarterly average (source from Pacific Island countries).

The report captures:

Publication Category: 

Pacific Fuel Price Monitor 2017

This report captures the 2017 yearly, Pacific Fuel Price Monitor. Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from 3MCO) and Pacific Fuel Prices on an annual average (source from Pacific Island countries)

Publication Category: 

Energy Vulnerability Assessment for the U.S. Pacific Islands (1994)

There have been no comprehensive energy vulnerability assessments conducted for any of the Pacific islands in the nineties, whether under US. flag or independent nation. In fact, there have been only a handful of comprehensive analyses of the energy sector in the Pacific islands. The East-West Center in conjunction with the United Nations (UNDP and ESCAP), the Australian National University and the Forum Secretariat produced the Energy Mission Report series which covered the independent island nations in 1982 USDOE published the Tm'fotial Energy Assessment: Final Report in December 1982.

Publication Category: 

Vessel Traffic: 2004-2011 American Samoa

Data capture annual records of Vessel Traffic from 2004 to 2011 for American Samoa.

Link -  

Source: Department of Treasury, Customs and Excise Tax Division


Vessel & Cargo Movement: 2004-2011 American Samoa

Data capture annual records of Vessel & Cargo Movement from 2004-2011 in American Samoa.

link - 

SOURCE: Department of Treasury, Customs and Excise Tax Division


Motor Vehicle Registration: 2001-2011 American Samoa

Data capture Annual records of Motor Vehicles registered from 2001-2011 in American Samoa. Categories listed include Bus, Rentals, Taxi, Cargo, Private Vehicles, Motor Bike, Trailers and government-owned Vehicles (ASG)

Source: Office of Highway Safety; Office of Property Management 


Diesel Genset Specific fuel use 2004-2009 American Samoa

Data capture monthly records of specific fuel use from October 2004 to September 2009 for ASPA.


Electricity Meter Sales 2001-2009 American Samoa

Data capture annual Electricity Meter Sales by customer category from 2001 to 2009 for ASPA.

2001 - 2009

Drivers License Permits: 2001-2011 American Samoa

Data capture annual records of Drivers License Permits from 2001-2011 American Samoa.

Source: Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway Safety



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