Vanuatu 2030 The People's Plan - National Sustainable Development Plan 2016 to 2030

2030 | The People's Plan as our National Sustainable Development Plan for the period 2016 to 2030.

This plan builds on the progress made and lessons learned under the Priorities and Action Agenda, which guided our national development efforts between 2006 and 2015, and the Millennium Development Goals, which also expired in 2015.

Vanuatu 2030 charts the country's vision and overarching policy framework for achieving a Stable, Sustainable and Prosperous Vanuatu within the next fifteen years, and in doing so sets out the national priorities and context for the implementation of the new global Sustainable Development Goals over the
same period.

The national vision and the framework for action outlined in this plan have been informed by the priorities voiced by our people, their community and elected representatives, the private sector and civil society over the course of a three-year consultation programme undertaken across the whole country. Our united voices articulate what we want for ourselves, our children, future generations and our country.

This is an ambitious plan. The government is committed to its implementation and monitoring, and to reporting on its progress. Success, however, is dependent on collective ownership of the plan and collaborative partnerships between the people, government, community leaders, businesses and civil society. Our development partners will also need to ensure their programmes are aligned to the national vision, goals and policy objectives in this plan.

Vanuatu Government
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