Tonga Joint National Action Plan on Climate change Adaptation and Disaster risk Management 2010 - 2015

Tonga like the other fifty one Small Island Developing States is highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change and disaster risks. Its susceptibility is principally due to its geographical, geological and socio-economic characteristics. Climate change and natural disasters pose serious adverse impacts on the environment, the people of Tonga and their livelihoods. Scientific findings revealed that these impacts will be exacerbated by future climate change.

The development of this Joint National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management is to ensure that these priorities are addressed and implemented at all levels and an important component of Tonga’s Second National Communication Programme.

This report is consistent with the national, regional and international policy drivers, agreements and frameworks on climate change and disaster risk management. It highlights national and community priority goals and activities to be implemented to enable the people and environment of Tonga to adapt to the impacts of climate change and to mitigate disaster risks.

Pacific Disaster Risk Management Partnership Network
Global Environment facility
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