The Certificate 1 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).
The Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who are working or seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).
The Certificate 3 in Sustainable Energy is aimed at those who may already be working in a field related to Energy/Sustainable Energy or those with relevant work experience who wish to pursue a career in Sustainable Energy. Learners at this level must elect to study in one of the following fields: Energy Efficiency, Solar, Biomass, Hybrid Wind, Micro Hydro Power.
The Certificate 4 in Sustainable Energy is aimed at those who may already be working in a field related to Energy/Sustainable Energy or those with relevant work experience who wish
to pursue a career in Sustainable Energy. Learners at this level must elect to study in one of the following fields: Energy Management, Biomass, Hybrid Wind, Micro Hydro Power, Solar.
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