Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific (Phase 2) - PEEP2 Final Report on Green Hotels Rating Schemes

This document addresses  one of the activities under Output 2  of the PEEP2 Project  –  Development of Energy Efficiency Policies and Procedures, which aims to establish energy efficiency best practices for the  hospitality  sector,  including  a  recommendation  to  adopt  a  green  hotels  rating  scheme  in  the PDMCs. To this end, the PEEP2 team has undertaken  a study of green hotels ratings schemes, in order to  recommend  one  such  rating  scheme  for  adoption.  This  recommendation  is  accompanied  with  a proposed  framework  for  adoption  that  discusses  a  roadmap  for  implementation,  the  institutional structure, and possible avenues for funding mechanisms.

PEEP2 website:

keywords: PEEP2, PEEP 2, IIEC, green hotel

International Institute for Energy Conservation
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