The Port Olry Biofuel Project in Vanuatu - A Pacific Case Study: Household Survey Report

This report was prepared by Thomas Lynge Jensen of the UNDP Pacific Centre. The energy household survey in Port Olry, including this report, has benefitted significantly from recent United Nations (UN) supported household surveys in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Samoa and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). In addition the format of this report overall follows the format of the Preparatory Phase of the Samoa Photovoltaic Electrification Programme – Survey Report (UNDP, 2008) which was prepared by Dr. Herbert Wade et al for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The author found the format of the Samoa survey report very useful, in particular the annex Survey Results, Question by Question.

According to the Terms of Reference (TOR) the objectives of the Port Olry assignment are to: i) Undertake an independent assessment /evaluation of the Port Orly Biofuel Project; and, ii) Assess the technical, economic, markets, institutional, social and environmental opportunities and constraints of biofuel in Vanuatu with the view to replicate successful experiences. In the TOR it is specified that a ‘Comprehensive Report on findings from a socio-economic household survey’ is one of the deliverables, which is this report.

keywords: household energy survey

Thomas Lynge Jensen
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