PIGGAREP Quarterly Progress Report 4th Quarter 2013

PIGGAREP 4th quarter progress report for 2013. The fourth quarter of 2013 noted the following key achievements: Administrative and financial matters: Project expenditure for PIGGAREP by 31.12.2013 was 849,000. This brings the total expenditure of PIGGAREP up to 4,403,435 million USD, leaving the remaining available funds for 2014 at 821,564 USD. The first financial disbursement to the PIGGAREP+ countries (Tonga, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands) was done in Q4 2013. The six countries have started recruitment processes and procurement assessments in order to launch project activities. The 19 th PIGGAREP Project Board Meeting was held in Fiji, 2 December. Se – draft minutes attached as Annex 2. Country activities: The Solomon Islands continued their Tina Hydropower plant awareness activity, reaching more than 2,000 people in and around the Tina River in Guadalcanal with information about the benefits and possible environmental damages from setting up a hydropower scheme. Niue approaches the final stages of their awareness raising activity related to solar power This activity involved TV and radio advertisements and public awareness talks that involved schools students and public competing in renewable energy essays, posters and general quizzes. Around 95 percent of the Niue population of about 1400 is reached. Tuvalu started the review of their tariff policy. Tonga started the updating of their school curriculum, where the curriculum of students from grade 1 to grade 12 will be updated. Nauru started training in solar power. The training covers the basic operation and maintenance of solar PV systems. More that 10 Nauru Utility Corporation Staff and some government officers were trained. The aim to ensure local capacity to maintain the various donor funded solar PV project in Nauru. Tuvalu started the training of senior officers on roof-top solar PV-installation, including system design, operation, grid management, remote system monitoring, net metering, p oject management. 2 people have started the training that will last for 30 weeks. The Solomon Islands has installed the first of four wind monitoring mast that will provide information about the wind power potential on the islands. The Cook Islands has finalized feasibility studies of solar in Nassau, Penrhyn and Palmerston.

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