PIGGAREP Quarterly Progress Report 1st Quarter 2013

PIGGAREP 1st quarter progress report for 2013. Since the beginning of 2013, the first was dedicated to ongoing activities from 2012. From those ongoing activities that were carried on to the 1st quarter, the following are the key achievements in that quarter: Successful completion of the Technical Site visit by the Talise Hydropower scheme Community team to the Solomon Islands in March, resulting in the Talise Hydropower team learning of the community-base management and operation of small hydropower scheme. This lessons learnt will be useful for the development and operation of the proposed Talise hydropower scheme, which is in its construction phase – (Component 1) RE Awareness program on TV and Radio in Niue. As reported by the Niue Power Corporation there was slight reduction in fuel consumption for the past 9 month resulting from reduced kilowatt-hours energy generated and used (more than 90% of the Niue residence population using electricity wisely – (Component 6) RE Awareness Programmes by Samoa Energy Unit in collaboration with its stakeholders. School are benefiting from the knowledge gained through such awareness– (Component 6) Country PASes completed evaluated and approved – (Component 3) PMO participated in New Zealand Wind Energy Conference and Energy Summit in NZ. This improved knowledge on New Zealand and global Wind energy regime, operation and operators. The NZ Energy Summit gave the opportunity for PIGGARE PMO to disseminate information about RE in the Pacific to the international audience on a faceto-face situation and be able to meet and discuss potential collaborations wih regional and international RE agencies, like IRENA and regional bodies dealing with RE – Components 1 & 6) Commencement of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Process for four PIGGAREP PICs (CI, WS, KI and TV) – (Effective Project Management)

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