Final report for Review of the Outer Islands Electrification Programmes in FSM

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) consist of four States: Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap, each, except for Kosrae that doesn’t have outer islands, have their own Outer Islands’ Solar Electrification Programme. These programmes are developed by the various States and included in the state energy action plans. All the four states have set‐up an energy workgroup in which the state utility plays an important role. There is no national outer island electrification programme in place.

This report addresses the existing outer island electrification programmes on a state by state basis.

Kosrae State:
 Rural Electrification programme can be summarised as:
 PICO solar lighting systems to the non‐electrified households via utility ‘fee for service’ model.
 Stand alone PV systems for unelectrified public facilities.

Pohnpei State:
 Outer Island Electrification programme can be summarised as:
 Solar Home Systems to the outer atolls via utility ‘fee for service’ model.
 PV Stand Alone Systems for unelectrified public facilities.

Chuuk State:
 Outer Island Electrification program can be summarised as:
 Solar Lighting Systems (PICO and Lanterns): There is no household electrification programme from the Chuuk State Government in place. Mainly private and congress senators’ initiatives that have supplied hundreds of solar lanterns (D‐LIGHT) (2010‐2011) and 400 PICO Lighting kits (Ulitium) where distributed in 2011 and 2012. The end‐users will own the lighting systems.
 PV stand‐alone systems and mini‐grids for public facilities and households.

Yap State:
 Outer Island Electrification programme can be summarised as:
 The supply and installation of solar home systems to the outer atolls via utility ‘fee for service’ model.
 PV stand‐alone systems and mini‐grids for schools and health centres. Part of an on‐going programme under the Department of Health and Education.
 PV/Diesel Hybrid systems, PV mini and Micro grids.

Global Sustainable energy Solutions Pty Ltd (GSES)
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