Appliance Energy Labels and Standards Brochure 2018

The following brochure was developed as part of the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme in March 2018.

Energy labelling and MEPS for appliances are used in over 80 countries around the world to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emission. Pacific Island countries and territories risked being left behind to become a dumping ground for inefficient appliances, so in 2012 the SPC started a project to help Pacific Island countries set up their own energy labeling and MEPS programmes.

The Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) Programme is part of SPC’s approach to increasing sustainable economic development through improved energy efficiency.
Pacific Island countries such as Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu are part of the PALS Programme. These countries are implementing energy labelling and MEPS for refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and lighting; though at different stages. A lot of work and effort is put into drafting appropriate legislation, regulations, seeking appropriate endorsements and collaboration between sectors and agencies.

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