ADB Technical Assistance Consultant's Report : Republic of the Fiji Islands: Preparing the Renewable Power Sector Development Project

This project was prepared by John E. Hay of John E. Hay and Associates Ltd, New Zealand for the Fiji Department of Energy, Ministry of Works and Energy and Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA). This report represents an analysis of current and possible future climate related risks facing the Fiji Islands. The risk assesment is based on observed climate data for Nadi, sea-level data for Lautoka and global cilmate model (GCM) projections for a grid cell that covers much of Viti Levu. The intergrated findings are presented in the form of a climate risk profile (CRP). The climate related risks of relevance to the power sector development projects under consideration by the Fiji Electricity Authority are identified, along with possible adaptation options.

keywords: climate change, climate proofing

John E. Hay
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