Policies and Plans

Samoa Energy Efficiency (Approved Energy Using Products Standards) Regulations

Samoa Energy Efficiency (Approved Energy Using Products Standards) Regulations was effective on 5th March 2018.

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Progress report on the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific 2010–2020 implementation plan for the period April 2011 to December 2015

This report is an effort to capture what has been carried out under the ‘Implementation Plan of the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific 2011–2015’. It is an attempt to improve the accountability and transparency of the work of the implementation partners, in highlighting what has been carried out, what were their outputs and what impacts they made.

Keywords - FAESP implementation plan progress report 2015

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Nauru Energy Road Map 2018 to 2020

The updated NERM 2018 to 2020 was developed in 2017/18 after a review of the NERM 2014 - 2020, consultations in Nauru on implementation progress to 2017 and is based on the original document. The key changes include renaming the Action Plans, reducing the number of Activities to be implemented, ordering the Activities by Lead Agency and Time Frame, as well as revising wording for some of the Activities and Expected Results.

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Tokelau National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Roadmap (2015)

The Roadmap was developed to identify the timeframe, activities and resources required to develop the Tokelau National Statistics Development Strategy (TNSDS) which sets the direction and activities of the statistics system for the next 5-8 years.

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CNMI Strategic Energy Plan (2013)

In March of 2010, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) sponsored a regional energy meeting in Golden, Colorado, that included the CNMI, American Samoa, and Guam. CNMI delegates from the Governor’s Office, the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) and the Northern Marianas College (NMC) met with representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and senior principals from DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to discuss ways to improve energy efficiency and increase the deployment of renewable energy technologies in the Pacific.

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Tokelau Millennium Development Report 2012

Executive summary - The Tokelau Government has been very vigilant in looking after its people. Tokelau people are very fortunate to have free access to basic services such as education and health. There are no extreme cases of poverty identified. The Health Programmes that have and are currently being implemented have resulted in Tokelau being free of major communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Dengue Fever.

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Resettlement Policy Framework for the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project Stage 2(VREP II)

This Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) has been prepared for the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project Stage 2 (VREP II). The RPF is a companion document to the VREP II Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) (December 2016).

Strengthening the Fiji Bio-gas Programme - A study for the Fiji Department of Energy (2006)

The following captures a compilation of reports on an assessment of the existing biogas program in Fiji in 2006.   A Biogas Expert from AGAMA Energy, a South Africa consulting firm was recruited by the Fiji Department of Energy to undertake the assessment of the Biogas Programme and also develop appropriate frameworks for implementation for local use. 

Reports compiled:

Solomon Islands National Energy Policy and Strategic Plan Petroleum and Alternative Liquid Fuels Strategies and Investment plan (2014-2019)

The Petroleum and alternative liquid fuels strategies and investment plan (PET-ALT SIP) is delivered at an appropriate time as government strives to underline the importance of good governance, credible and stable policies guided by the newly developed Solomon Islands National Development Strategy 2013–2020 (NDS).

This PET-ALT SIP provides a way forward in meeting one of the 2014 Solomon Islands National Energy Policy (SINEP) goals: Increase the access of safe, affordable and reliable petroleum products and alternative liquid and gaseous fuels.

Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2017 - 2022

The Samoa Energy Sector Plan (SESP) period of five years 2017-2022 provides comprehensive plan and a framework which will guide programs and action required by all stakeholders to achieve the Energy sector vision “Access to Quality Energy Supply for all improves”

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