Solomon Islands National Energy Policy and Strategic Plan Petroleum and Alternative Liquid Fuels Strategies and Investment plan (2014-2019)

The Petroleum and alternative liquid fuels strategies and investment plan (PET-ALT SIP) is delivered at an appropriate time as government strives to underline the importance of good governance, credible and stable policies guided by the newly developed Solomon Islands National Development Strategy 2013–2020 (NDS).

This PET-ALT SIP provides a way forward in meeting one of the 2014 Solomon Islands National Energy Policy (SINEP) goals: Increase the access of safe, affordable and reliable petroleum products and alternative liquid and gaseous fuels.

The strategy has four outcomes, which are also taken from the SINEP petroleum sector priorities.
1) Supply and affordability of petroleum products to outer islands and remote rural locations are improved.
2) Petroleum storage and handling facilities conformed to local and international safety, health and environmental standards.
3) Regulated petroleum prices effectively monitored in the nine provinces.
4) Alternative fuel projects coordinated.

This strategy highlights commitments, policy statements, strategies and activities that the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) through its Energy Division will focus on in the next five years to better manage and coordinate the petroleum sector in Solomon Islands. It is highly likely that there will be continued reliance on petroleum products for transport and electricity generation into the foreseeable future and the onus is on government to ensure that reliable and affordable energy services are provided with improved accessibility and energy security.

The 2014 SINEP emphasises the need for strong leadership and a clear forward vision in the energy sector to be supported by a relevant legislative framework, capacity, commitment and resources. Training in all aspects of the energy sector and in particular in the petroleum sector is still a challenge due to limited capacity and resources and the out-dated Petroleum Act 1978. However, this strategy, PET-ALT SIP, hopes to reduce these challenges.

PET-ALT SIP is presented in four parts:

Part 1 is an introduction to the strategy but also highlights the methodology used in developing PET-ALT SIP, as well linking the energy sector to the economic development of Solomon Islands.

Part 2 contains a review of the petroleum sub-sector and discusses the need for a broader regulatory framework governing the petroleum sector and the need for a sector-wide approach.

Part 3 covers the strategies and actions and

Part 4 covers petroleum investment plans.

Keywords:  Solomon Islands, Petroleum, PET-ALT SIP, SINEP, Energy Sector, Fuel Price Regulation, Electricity, Renewable Energy  

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