Guide on gender mainstreaming: Energy and Climate change Projects

This Guide is part of an organization-wide initiative to mainstream gender into all of UNIDO’s technical cooperation projects and programmes. Karen Cadondon, Eliana Gutiérrez-Amo and Liv Pelt Steensig are the main authors of the document.

This document has been prepared without formal United Nations editing. The opinions, designations and material presentations do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNIDO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries

The Guide is divided into six chapters and is meant to be read in its entirety. The first two chapters provide a general background of gender concepts and the gender dimensions of sustainable energy projects, and the remaining chapters provides a step-by step roadmap of gender mainstreaming in the different stages of the project cycle. Due to the scope and diversity of the ECC portfolio, the relevance and application of this Guide may vary. Therefore, the Guide must be taken as indicative and applied where appropriate. Ideally, this Guide will help the formulation of projects from the onset, however projects that have already begun and are under implementation can also benefit from the Guide through adjusting ongoing and future activities to make them more gender-responsive.

The Guide aims at helping the staff of UNIDO’s ECC Branch to apply a gender perspective into their work and, more specifically, to mainstream gender throughout the project cycle. The Guide can also be useful for national and local counterparts, agencies, international and private-sector partners, and individual experts who work closely with the ECC Branch.

United Nations Industrial development Organization
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