The Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Street Lighting in the Pacific were designed in accordance with the specific needs and requirements of the PDMCs, which have limited resources due to their geographical placement. The utilities, public and private sectors have limited experience in developing and implementing energy efficiency projects capable of making considerable impact in the region.
These guidelines were designed taking the above factors into consideration, and are intended to significantly reduce costs, save energy, and lower GHG emissions. These guidelines employ a simple and effective approach for achieving such reductions; they provide guidance on how utility and municipal staff can improve the energy efficiency and performance of street and public lighting. They also provide methods for reducing the operation and maintenance costof public lighting in order to ensure on-going quality and functionality.
These guidelines employ a simple and effective approach for achieving such reductions; they provide guidance on how utility and municipal staff can improve the energy efficiency and performance of street and public lighting. They also provide methods for reducing the operation and maintenance cost of public lighting in order to ensure on-going quality and functionality. These guidelines provide a range of easy to follow techniques and methodologies on the different steps in design, installation and maintenance of energy efficient street lighting in the Pacific.
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