Vanuatu Infrastructure Strategic Investment Plan 2015-2024

This report is published under the auspices of the Government of Vanuatu (GoV), with the support of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). The report was prepared by Philippe Bergeron, Christopher Cheatham and Bikenibeu Ieremiah working under the guidance of the PRIF Coordination Office and with administrative support by the Asian Development Bank.

The Vanuatu Infrastructure Strategic Investment Plan (VISIP) 2015-2024 sets out an optimal set of strategic infrastructure investments for Vanuatu. Further, it suggests how to fund and implement these investments, and recommends institutional developments for planning effective, practical, and sustainable, infrastructure in the context of identified and expected financing over the coming decade. VISIP 2015 will be considered for adoption with the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP), which the Government of Vanuatu (GoV) is expected to approve in early 2015. To establish full coherence with the NSDP and comprehensively address the issues facing the country, the VISIP includes social infrastructure in addition to economic infrastructure.

Government of Vanuatu
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