
Pacific Energy Paper

The attached paper, by Scott Hook, was written for Ausaid as a background research paper for the 2009 Pacific Economic Survey.  The paper seeks to explore renewable energy challenges in the Pacific by reviewing several case studies.  Energy plays a vital role in contributing to development in the Pacific region.  It is a fundamental input to most economic and social activities and

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Pacific Regional Energy Assessment (PREA) 1992 - Volume 1 Overview

This report was prepared by the World Bank and in cooperation with The UNDP and ESCAP. The Pacific Regional Energy Assessment (PREA) reviews issues and options associated with energy development in the Pacific island countries. The Overview Report presents the findings and recommendations of regionwide interest emerging from an assessment of the energy sector in 12 PICs.

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Survey Of Renewable Energy Utilisation and Development Potential In Oceania

This report was prepared by S D Sharma, G J Duffy and J H Edwards of CSIRO Energy Technology for  the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in Japan. The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), an administration and implementation arm of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in Japan has contracted CSIRO Energy Technology to undertake research on actual and potential renewable energy uptake in South Pacific countries.

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Report of Workshop - E3 Workshop, PELS Working Group Meeting & PALS Project Steering Commmittee Meeting, February 2015

Report of Workshop - E3 Workshop, PELS Working Group Meeting & PALS Project Steering Commmittee Meeting, February 2015. Held in Canberra from 23 - 27 February 2015.

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Stocktake Report: Energy Sector Institutions, Legislation, Policies and Fiscal Incentives of Pacific Island Countries

Stocktake Report: Energy Sector Institutions, Legislation, Policies and Fiscal Incentives of Pacific Island Countries. Prepared by the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Diviion of The Pacific Community (SPC). 

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UNDP Asia - Pacific Regional Energy Programme for Poverty Reduction (REP-POR) - Pacific Rapid Assesment and Gap Analysis. Draft Final Report

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade and Peter Johnston for UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok. The purpose of this assignment was to undertake a rapid needs assessment and gap analysis of the fifteen Pacific Island Countries that potentially can participate in the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction (REP-PoR).  Ideally, such a study would involve travel to each country to allow extensive local input and as much discussion in-country as possible.

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